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Todays' Thought
Great causes and little men go ill together.
- Jawaharlal Nehru
महान कार्य और छोटे लोग साथ नहीं चल सकते |
- जवाहरलाल नेहरु

    Reasoning : Classification Question & Answer in English (Level-1)

  Level-1 Questions in  

SET - 3 : Direction to solve

In each of the following questions four words have been given out of which there are alike in same manner, while the fourth one is different. Choose out the odd one.
Choose the different word from the following.
A.  11
B.  16
C.  22
D.  29

Choose the different word from the following.
A.  31
B.  36
C.  27
D.  42

Choose the different word from the following.
A.  25
B.  36
C.  49
D.  65

Choose the different word from the following.
A.  37
B.  28
C.  42
D.  56

Choose the different word from the following.
A.  767
B.  535
C.  484
D.  397

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